Wednesday, August 4, 2010

5 AUGUST 2010

KMF 2024 - Statistic Class - conducted by Miss Chen....

Quite bored..only consume my 25 minutes to concern this class...
so now in back on9...
updating my FB n Blog....

lots of thing happens this fews day...

last nite..
f1 time going to Kuching Festival...........
lot of food sold but quite difficult to found "HALAL" stall.......

my frenz cea ice cream goreng....
it taste wonderful.. heheh..
thank my pig for that ice cream....

today i will lost one of my friend...
gona miss u dude,,,,,,
take care of ur family.....
c u next sems......

:") ......

my otak oledi hangus terbakar..
no idea mau taip apa lo.....

~miss u bucuk~

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