Monday, July 12, 2010

12 JULY 2010

new semester...
new letcure...
new junior..........
new room.....
huk huk huk..
n most importance........
my new hair....
waka waka waka........

so funny when i look to my hair...
i misz my hair.......

most of my coursmate going to class to day..
but me???
still working on to get some monet to buy
i fogot what model.
but it cost aroun RM 2000.
i need another RM 200......
wish me luck......

lot of stuff to buy.....

new beg for my new lappy since my camel beg that i bought 5 years past now to uzur.. waka waka waka... so broken english....
waka waka.
new shoes.......

n most importance...
new rim for my baby in white.........
huk huk huk.......

thats all.......
xda idea mau taip apa..
ngerepak in the very broken english...
waka waka waka.............


  1. nice...kacak eh..hehe
    tQ invite me join ur cutie blog...

  2. sama2 cik aya,,,
    thanks for following...
